This is just an example of a post, you could edit this in anyway you like or just remove it and create your own post. You can create as many posts as you like on your website which is just as simple as selecting Posts > Add New from within your WordPress Dashboard. Be sure to also change the category names under Posts > Categories.

This is just an example of a post, you could edit this in anyway you like or just remove it and create your own post. You can create as many posts as you like on your website which is just as simple as selecting Posts > Add New from within your WordPress Dashboard. Be sure to also change the category names under Posts > Categories.

About Steve Gardiner

Stephen Gardiner originates from Rhodesia, (Zimbabwe) then working around the globe before finally settling in Brisbane Australia. As a scientist, Steve always had an interest in human development, especially Mind Plastisicity and how we cope with stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours. Over the past 15 years Steve has assisted many clients to transform their lives by resolving the obstacles holding them back.

Entries by Steve Gardiner