Why People Smoke

Before you Quit smoking with hypnotherapy, it is a good idea to get clear in your mind why you smoke. If you are clear on this, you can then inform the hypnotherapist, who can then customise the quit process for you.
For many people, smoking is a lifestyle coping tool. Although every person’s specific reasons for smoking are unique, they all share a common theme. Smoking is used as a way to suppress uncomfortable feelings, and smoking is used to alleviate stress, calm nerves and relax. Knowing why you smoke is the first step towards Quitting. Below is a list of […]

Hypnosis is a part of Life

A lot of people when they come for hypnosis are anxious, not because they think that they will be controlled but because they see it as something different and allien.

Nothing could be further from the truth as we are all hypnotised at least several times a day. You see all hypnosis is, is a state of focus. One of the best ways to be hypnotised is to watch TV. By focusing on the TV you put yourself into a state of hypnosis. Marketers know this and this is why the advertisments come on louder. You see when you are in […]