Some Chemicals Found in Cigarettes

Here are some hidden ingredients you can find in a cigarette. The toluene in glue and cigarettes is a toxic substance that produces euphoria and irritation of the airways and lungs. Cadmium is extremely poisonous and can be found in cigarettes, it results in kidney damage. Tar is an ingredient found in roads and tires as well as cigarettes. A two pack a day smoker inhales one gram of tar a day. That is a quart of thick, gooey tar inhaled a year. Mothballs contain naphthalenes, also found in cigarettes. This proven poison causes reproductive and brain breakdown. The arsenic […]


In this day and age it is easier to label everything. It seems as everything has to be put into a box by labelling it. Not only do we have people labelling us but we label ourselves. As with everything in life there is a benefit and a drawback of being labelled.
When you are labelled something your actions in life reflect the label. If you have labelled yourself as a smoker then you think like a smoker and act like a smoker. If you are fulfilling this label then it becomes more difficult to quit smoking. You may not […]

Smoking is a Habit

Habit can be defined as: an acquired pattern of behavior that often occurs automatically (Wikipedia)
Habits are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. The American Journal of Psychology defines habit as: “A habit, from the standpoint of psychology, is a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience.” Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks. Habituation is an extremely simple form of learning, in which an organism, after […]