Darn!! Started Again!

Around about 5% of the clients that come to see us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes for quitting smoking cigarettes with hypnosis start smoking again. Why is this so? I have been doing some analysis of our clients and have come up with two main reasons why people who quit smoking with us using hypnosis start smoking again.
The first reason is that the client did not really want to stop smoking cigarettes. You would think that if somebody came to see us they really did want to quit. Everybody that smokes needs to quit smoking but not everybody wants […]


At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes a lot of people come to see us in our Capalaba offices to quit smoking.
It’s when I ask the question of what do you get from smoking that I get some very common excuses. In the persons mind these are valid excuses but at the end of the day these excuses if not addressed it can make it very difficult to quit smoking. Here are some of the most common excuses:
• It’s a crutch, something that is always there for me. If someone were to come to you and say “I’ve got this great […]

Quit Passive Smoking

When you smoke a cigarettes nicotine is released with the smoke from the cigarettes and the smoke you exhale. This nicotine is deposited on any surface that this smoke comes into contact with.
When nicotine enters your system it causes a very rapid constriction of the blood vessels and this interferes with your blood circulation. Blood carries all the nutrients we need to the cells in the body and carries away the waste from our cells. When you decrease the blood circulation you reduce the nutrition to the cells and the waste is not removed. In effect you are starving the […]