I comment I frequently get from clients after doing quit smoking is, was I in hypnosis? The question here is what is a hypnotic trance? This is a hard question to answer as we all go into hypnotic trance in different ways and it varies from time to time.what-is
There are many definitions of hypnosis but I like; “hypnosis is a state of focus and acceptance that causes a change of state”.
We all spend our lives going in and out of trance, in fact we will probably spend about 70% to 80% of our lives in a hypnotic trance. The easiest way I know to be hypnotised is to watch TV. I’m sure everybody has watched a show where they are so absorbed in it that even though there have been things happening around them they have not reacted to it. They know that it is there but have paid no attention to it. The truth is they are in a light trance. TV knows about this and they put the adverts on loud as they know that you are in a light trance and when you are you are more accepting.
In reality hypnotic trance is very much a part of our lives; we are just unaware of it.
If you want to achieve trance and stop smoking with a hypnotist you must go with the flow and accept their suggestions 100% no questions asked. A hypnotist will never give you suggestions that are harmful to you and cannot make you do something that you don’t want to do. Here is a clue, you have to want to make a change for hypnotherapy to be successful!!
There some certain signs that indicate a person is in trance, some of these are;
Physiological Changes
 Head dropping (as if falling asleep)
 Shoulders are slumped
 Breathing changes
 Muscle tone changes, including micro muscle changes
Changes Occurring on Skin
 Skin tone alteration (skin usually becomes droopy and soft, unless, innate to the person)
 Change in skin complexion
 Skin may feel warmer or colder than usual
 Rapid eye movement (twitching of eyelids)
 Less blinking
 Tears may flow
 Glazed or flickering eyes
 Transfixed on a single gaze
Face and Facial Muscle Changes
 Flexed jaw line or other changes
 Softened face
Facial and Bodily Movements
 Involuntary micro movements like twitching of the body or the lips
 Pulse and heart rate slowing down
 Lip-licking
 Swallowing (which slowly ceases over time)

If you want to successfully go into trance and quit smoking then don’t have a preconceived idea of what trance is and accept the suggestions given to you 100% no questions asked.

About Steve Gardiner

Stephen Gardiner originates from Rhodesia, (Zimbabwe) then working around the globe before finally settling in Brisbane Australia. As a scientist, Steve always had an interest in human development, especially Mind Plastisicity and how we cope with stress, anxiety and addictive behaviours. Over the past 15 years Steve has assisted many clients to transform their lives by resolving the obstacles holding them back.

Entries by Steve Gardiner