Is Smoking an Addiction or a Habit? Let’s break that myth right now! The majority of smokers believe they are ‘addicted to nicotine! But, did you know, it is a scientific fact that within 72 hours all trace of nicotine has disappeared from the body. The body starts to heal immediately after your last cigarette.

Smoking Addiction or Habit
The Myth of Smoking being Addictive was circulated by the tobacco companies to ‘trick’ smokers into believing they could not quit smoking cigarettes. Smokers have been convinced that it is very hard, if not impossible, to stop smoking. In fact, two of the greatest fears smokers have around smoking are (1) fear of failure and (2) the pain of withdrawal and cravings. There is more nicotine in ‘patches’ than there is in a cigarette! I have never heard of anyone becoming addicted to nicotine patches, have you? No, nor I!
Interestingly, patches actually have the same nicotine content as a pack of 25 cigarettes. Nicotine patches do not and cannot become addictive.
Patches Have 10% Success
Quitting smoking using patches has a 10% success rate. They are the No1 prescribed treatment. With such a low expected success rate, it makes one wonder why.
If you want to quit Smoking without effort, research hypnotherapy. Hypnosis has the highest proven success rate of all methods. However, a word of warning, hypnosis is not a ‘magic pill’ or ‘fairy dust!’ For hypnosis to work successfully, the smoker must want the result!
Our Quit Smoking Expert, Steve, has designed a unique 4 step hypnotherapy, it’s Quick and Easy and replaces your habit of smoking with a new habit of breathing ‘fresh air!” But the real secret to your success is ‘wanting’ to Quit smoking! If you want to Quit, Hypnosis will help you stop smoking without cravings, withdrawals, or stress.