As the age-old saying goes, health is wealth, so is it time to quit smoking to lead a healthy life? During our lives, we all fall into the trap of becoming addicted to ‘something!’ Smoking is one common addiction of our generation. People start smoking during their teen years for various reasons; one of the prime reasons is peer pressure. However, later in life, as their situation changes and they decide to dump the smoking habit, they find quitting is a challenging task.
Nobody sets out to let smoking control their lives. But eventually, it does.
As you age, your body starts to falter under the constant bombardment of toxic smoke. The first place you will notice the change will be in your lungs—that shortness of breath, the coughing in the morning. For instance, when your non-smoker friends play sport without being physically drained, or while the other family members enjoy adventurous trips, you haven’t the energy to participate. Then you know, it’s time to give up the unhealthy smoking habit. It’s the perfect time to investigate the quit smoking treatment offered in Brisbane by the Quit Smoking Experts.
Why quit smoking?
Smoking harms your health. All organs are affected. The significant organs impacted include the heart, blood vessels, lungs, eyes, mouth, reproductive organs, bones, bladder, and digestive organs. In addition, your blood pressure fluctuates. Smoking decolorizes the lips and skin texture.
While you keep smoking, your body continues to lose more of its ability to work effectively. It ruins the structure of your cells, blocks your arteries and your lungs fill up with the black tar of nicotine.
Financially, smoking drains your cash resources. The average smoker (20 cigarettes a day) spends roughly $8000 per year on smoking. That is only the cost of buying the actual pack of cigarettes! Add on the adverse effect it has on your health and the cost is incalculable.
Reasons to reach out to us
We believe in hosting a 100% reliable service to get rid of your addiction. Our quit smoking 4 step hypnosis therapy is scientifically proven to be successful.
We have helped over 6000 people become permanent non-smokers, and you could be the next one.
Your session is only 90 minutes. You will be amazed at how quickly you can stop smoking. The knowledge you learn about yourself, your subconscious mind, and why it has been challenging to quit. It will fascinate you.
We use hypnotherapy to ‘flip’ your smoking habit into a new, more helpful practice of ‘breathing fresh air!’ Sounds intriguing. It is the secret to our success! Once the old pattern is changed, the urge to smoke disappears from your subconscious.
We have 15 years of experience behind us, and it’s our passion to help you get rid of the scourge that smoking is.
Is our Service Expensive?
No! You will recover your investment quickly from the money you save by not smoking. We suggest opening a bank account and transferring your ‘smoking money’ into it for a year. After 12 months, you can celebrate using the $$$ you saved. You will be surprised how much you ‘burnt up’ before you quit smoking.
It is not time-consuming. The sessions are brief and extremely effective. Ninety minutes is all the time you need to make the change. Over 6,000 people have stopped smoking through our business – you can be our next success story.
To make our service easier, we offer online hypnotherapy, where you can access our neuro-hypnotherapy via Zoom. If you want to quit smoking in Queensland and live locally, our face-to-face service may be your best option.
Can’t Decide if Hypnosis is for You?
If you are still skeptical or unsure whether hypnosis will even work for you, book a complimentary session with our Quit Smoking Expert and have a chat. You have nothing to lose, have you?