I have been helping people quit smoking for many years now, and during this time, I have discovered what it takes to become a permanent non-smoker. My goal is to help you be better prepared psychologically and a QUIZ to help you establish if you are ready to quit smoking. The information will also help you to understand your smoking habit and why switching to vaping will, in most cases, increase your desire to smoke rather than lessen the cravings.
My process to guide you to Quit smoking in 60 minutes is a combination of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and understanding the process and the psychology behind the process will make it easier for the hypnotherapist and yourself to achieve success.
Myths and Misconceptions
Hypnotherapy suffers a lot from the myths and misconceptions that are out there. Hypnosis does not involve gold watches or making people do weird and wonderful things. Hypnosis is a potent tool that can help people overcome habits and behaviours that hold people back, among them smoking. In reality, hypnosis is one of the most successful ways to quit smoking. The success rate is between 70-95%, including group hypnosis, which is nowhere as powerful as one-on-one sessions. This success rate is far higher than the use of willpower, drugs and needles. I firmly believe that with the knowledge in this book, your chances of becoming a non-smoker will increase dramatically. So, without further ado, let’s begin becoming a non-smoker.
Do You Want To Quit?
The question of do you want to quit smoking is the most crucial question of all. If you don’t want to quit, you will not! Hypnotherapy cannot make you do what you don’t want to do.
Everybody who smokes needs to quit! But the want to quit must be more than the need. It’s like everything in life; you must want it to get it!
Smoking is NOT Your Friend.
When I ask: ‘why do you want to quit? Many people tell me that they are not sure as it (smoking) has always been there for them; smoking is their friend! Or maybe their response is: that they have been smoking for so long now that it is such a massive part of their life.
Let’s put these illusions to bed once and for all! Everybody wants a fair deal; most people will not enter into an agreement that disadvantages them.
This is the deal you get smoking cigarettes:-
Whatever benefit you believe you get from smoking: stress relief, relaxation, comfort, a friend, something to do, pleasure, friends, a sense of belonging, etc, your payment is that you will die early and be exposed to some horrible diseases. This is not a fair deal in anybody’s thinking.
Then there is the thought that smoking is your friend. It’s not!! Would you make friends with someone who will surely but slowly kill you? The answer is, of course, no, but this is the type of friend that smoking cigarettes is. These are not lovely truths and can’t be coated with sugar.
Smoking is a habit. Smoking is not your friend and does not give you a fair deal.
Six Reasons People Quit Smoking:
- Health Concerns – Many people quit smoking to avoid severe health conditions such as lung disease, heart disease, and cancer. The realization of these risks often serves as a strong motivation.
- Family and Children – Parents want to see their children grow up and be present in their lives. Many quit to protect their loved ones from secondhand smoke and to set a positive example.
- Social and Lifestyle Changes – With smoking bans in public places and growing social awareness, many people feel out of place as smokers and decide to quit to integrate better with their environment.
- Financial Savings – Smoking is an expensive habit, and quitting can free up a significant amount of money for more valuable life experiences.
- Workplace Restrictions – Many workplaces have strict no-smoking policies, making it inconvenient for employees to smoke during work hours.
- Improved Quality of Life – After quitting, former smokers often report better breathing, more energy, and an enhanced sense of taste and smell.
TEST Your Motivation
If you are unsure about whether you want to quit or not, do this quiz:
- Can you recall times before you ever fell into smoking? Yes/No
- Do you ever ‘forget to smoke’ or not think about it because you are in a non-smoking environment, such as on a commercial flight or visiting someone in a hospital? Yes/No
- Can you use other non-toxic means to meet your needs to overcome boredom, nervousness or want a break? Yes/No
- Do you still believe smoking’s hype, or do you genuinely feel you have seen through it and want to quit? Yes/No
- Have you overcome the classic ‘smoker’s optimistic distortion’? Do you still trot out the party lines like: “I could get run over by a bus tomorrow!” Or, “My uncle Ted smoked 80 a day all his life, and it never did him any harm!” Or have you seen through these kinds of stock rationalisations? Yes/No
- Do you genuinely want to look out for and support your body? Yes/No
- Do you love smoking enough to sacrifice your life for it potentially? Yes/No
- Are the tobacco companies’ profits significantly sufficient for you to generously hand over your health? Yes/No
- Do you genuinely feel that having something to do with your hands is a fair exchange for your time here on Earth? Yes/No
If you have answered YES to the first 6 questions and NO to the last 3 of these questions, then you are on your way to becoming a non-smoker!!!
If you would like more information or just want to have a chat about Quitting Smoking, or Stopping Vaping – Please give us a call!!