When you decide to stop smoking make sure that you really want to. As with most things in life you have to want to do something to do it. Everybody who smokes cigarettes needs to quit smoking but the big thing is do you want to quit smoking? Make sure that you are in a place where smoking cigarettes is no longer serving you. If you are clear that you want to quit your chances of quitting are increased.
Another thing that increases your chances to stop smoking is your mindset. Make sure that you are not in an emotional mindset that will interfere with your desire to stop smoking cigarettes.
I had a lady that came to see me to quit smoking. We did the process and the next day she phoned to say that she had not stopped. I asked her to come back and when she arrived I could see that she was in a very emotional state.
When I asked her, what was going on she said that the day that she came to see me was the first anniversary of her partner’s death and her brother’s death who had died at the same time. On top of this it was her anniversary.
When a person is in this state it is impossible for them to give their full focus and attention to quitting. The decision we made was for her to wait until she had regained her emotional stability, when she had done this she was to come back.
This brings me to another tip to help to stop smoking. If you are using hypnosis like I do it is important that you give your full focus and attention to the process. If your mind is occupied with thoughts, especially emotional ones it will prevent you from focusing on the process. This mindset will not help to quit smoking.
In summary, to increase your chances to stop smoking you have to want to quit smoking, you need to be in a stable emotional state and you have to give your full focus and attention to the process.