Are You Ready to Quit Smoking?

I have been helping people quit smoking for many years now, and during this time, I have discovered what it takes to become a permanent non-smoker. My goal is to help you be better prepared psychologically and a QUIZ to help you establish if you are ready to quit smoking.   The information will also help you to understand your smoking habit and why switching to vaping will, in most cases, increase your desire to smoke rather than lessen the cravings.

My process to guide you to Quit smoking in 60 minutes is a combination of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and […]

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Nicotine, poisonous even thirdhand

Nicotine, poisonous even thirdhand

Science Doesn’t Lie

At Quit Smoking Expert here in Capalaba, we know how poisonous and dangerous nicotine is, even thirdhand.  I am a crop scientist by training and the first crop I ever grew was tobacco.  As an agronomist, it was my job to know exactly what was in the tobacco that we produced and sold.  The nicotine content, and the sugar (yes, the sugar content).  At the time, I was an Expert in my field, recognised internationally.  The science doesn’t lie, tobacco and the treatment that it goes through to manufacture cigarettes is not good for your body.   Nicotine is […]

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Smoking is like a clingy Ex

Smoking is like a clingy Ex

Smoking is like a clingy Ex that won’t stop bugging you

Smoking is like that clingy ex who just won’t go away – it may seem comforting at first, but it’s really not doing you any favours in the long run. Not only does it increase your risk of all kinds of health problems, from cancer to heart disease, but it can also drain your wallet and put a serious dent in your social life (who wants to be the one huddled outside in the rain, puffing away on a cigarette?).

But let’s be real – quitting smoking is easier said than […]

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From Vape Addict to Smoke-Free: How Hypnosis Can Help You Kick the Habit”

From Vape Addict to Smoke-Free: How Hypnosis Can Help You Kick the Habit”

Vaping has become a popular trend among young people in recent years. Has vaping got you hooked?  Do you need to kick the habit or are you already a vaping addict?  It is a cheaper option, but is it safer?  Will vaping kill you in the same way as the nicotine in cigarettes does?  There is a reason you need a prescription to buy Vapes in Australia. Quitting cigarettes can be challenging, but vaping is not the right solution.

Hypnosis Replaces Nicotine Replacement Solutions

People use nicotine replacement therapies, such as gum or patches, to help them quit smoking and/or vaping, but […]

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Quit Smoking is a Series of Small Decisions

In today’s world, the term “instant gratification” is often used”. At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes, we subscribe to this thinking. People want to quit smoking, and they want to quit now!!  Quitting smoking is actually quite easy.  It is a decision – It’s time to stop smoking!  Followed a series of small decisions.  Research how to achieve the goal and choose a method.  Make an appointment and keep it.  Finally, see yourself as a permanent non-smoker!  And live your perfect result.  Just a few small decisions that will change your health.  Increase your cash flow.  Improve your Life.

Many people […]

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We are more and more isolated

We are more and more isolated

Have the events of the past few years made you feel more isolated than ever before?  Last week the team at Quit smoking in 60 minutes went for a bush walk in the hills behind the Gold Coast in Australia.  its a brilliant place to get out into nature and destress.    The area is very popular, and we passed many people whilst walking. 

What struck me the most was the majority of people tried to pass us without any greeting and would not look you in the eye. The […]

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Hypnosis is for Dads who want to be around for the long Haul

Hypnosis is for Dads who want to be around for the long Haul

The lighter side of quitting smoking

As a Dad, you want to set a good example for your kids. You also want to be around for the long haul.  You want to teach your kids, right from wrong and how to make healthy choices and avoid harmful habits. One habit that you may be struggling with yourself is smoking. You know the risks of smoking and how it can impact your health and the health of those around you. But quitting is easier said than done.

If you’ve tried quitting smoking using medications, pills, or patches without success, you might want to […]

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Vaping Got You Hooked? Hypnosis Can Help You Break Free!

Has Vaping got you hooked?  Vaping has become a popular trend among young people in recent years.  It was ‘sold’ as the easiest way to stop smoking cigarettes, but it is just another form of smoking.   BUT, you don’t really know what you are getting in that little capsule, do you?

EVALI – e-cigarette Vaping Associated Lung Illness

As with smoking, vaping can lead to a range of health problems, from respiratory issues to heart disease. eVALI is a ‘thing’ the newest and surest way to die from smoking.   Quitting vaping can be as easy as stopping smoking cigarettes, but you must […]

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HYPNOSIS… What Is It Really?

We have all seen the Hypnotist’s shows on TV and on stage where the hypnotist picks random people from the crowd and appears to “make” them do all sorts of weird things. It is hilarious! and is meant to be. That is Stage Hypnosis – straight entertainment. However, there is a serious side to Hypnotherapy. In a Clinical Hypnotherapy session, the reality is very different…

At Transformations, we prefer to see our clients individually.  This is why:

Group sessions can and do work, but not usually for all participants.  There are many reasons for this.  No, it has nothing to do with […]

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