Why is hypnosis the best way to stop smoking

While there is no single “best” way to stop smoking, hypnosis is one approach that some people find helpful in quitting smoking. Here are some reasons why hypnosis may be effective in helping people quit smoking:

Addresses the root causes of smoking: Hypnosis can help identify and address the underlying psychological reasons for smoking, such as stress, anxiety, or low self-esteem. By addressing these underlying issues, hypnosis can help people break the cycle of smoking and reduce the likelihood of relapse.
Provides a new perspective: Hypnosis can help people view smoking in a different light, which can help change their attitudes and […]

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The Benefits of Quitting Smoking

When people come to us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba we ask them to list the benefits that they will get from quitting. Here are some of them:
• Breathe easier
• More Energy
• Live Longer
• Better quality of a future life
• More in control of their lives
• Will be around for their children and grandchildren
• More money
• Able to socialise with whomever they want whenever they want
• Less inconvenience
• Smell fresher
• Don’t have to lie about smoking
• More time and more efficient
• Better health
There are many more benefits to be gained by quitting. The list above is by […]

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Vaping and Young Smokers

Vaping and Young Smokers

Our Kids are getting sucked into Vaping.  Vaping and youth smokers are a national problem.

The World Health Organisation has just come out with a recommendation that electronic cigarettes are harmful. In the past, they endorsed electronic cigarettes as there was not enough evidence that it is harmful.  BUT Now we have had the deaths of several young kids.  Many children are starting to vape at primary school.  Some are as young as eight years old.

The electronic cigarette is just another way to deliver nicotine to the body, and anybody who thinks nicotine is not harmful is deluding themselves. Nicotine is […]

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I’m Afraid To Quit

I’m Afraid To Quit

A lot of people that come to see us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba say that they are afraid or fearful about quitting smoking.
They see smoking as almost a friend: it’s always there for them and they have been doing it for a long time. What will they do if they do not have smoking?
Let’s look at this and the cost to you of thinking like this. Firstly it’s like a friend and it’s always there. If I was to offer you a deal in life where I would benefit but you would get nothing would you […]

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Who Knew There Is Sugar In Cigarettes!

Who Knew There Is Sugar In Cigarettes!

Yes there is. This is why quite frequently when you quit smoking smoking you have a need to eat sweets, it has caused an addiction to sugar, not nicotine. Sugar also it hides the bitter taste of the nicotine which is NOT addictive. Have you ever heard of anyone addicted to Nicotine patches? I think not…An interesting point. According to studies, the long term quitting success rate of nicotine patches can be as low as 1.6%, yet it is promoted as an ‘effective’ means of quitting smoking. (Would you use a condom as an ‘effective’ means of birth control and […]

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You Set Your Boundaries

When we are born, we all have the same abilities. If this is so why do some of us rise to the top of success and others of us do not? The answer is that we set the boundaries of what we can and cannot do. These boundaries are set from the moment we are born and they are often a result of fear.
Fear is both a positive and negative thing. It sets the flight response in us and gets us to move away from a potentially dangerous situation, or it can paralyse us and prevent us from reaching greater […]

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Is Smoking Addictive?

Are you too physically addicted to cigarettes to free yourself from them?
Usually, you start smoking when you are young and at first you own smoking and you can quit anytime. However, bit by bit smoking starts to own you and eventually it does and many of us feel as if it is now an addiction. The tobacco companies and the perception of society reinforce this.
Most people have tried to quit smoking but have not succeeded, and this reinforces the perception of smoking being an addiction. It’s not just stopping smoking that’s important, but how you stop.
A Russian psychologist named Pavlov […]

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Is Quitting Smoking your New Years Resolution?

Is Quitting Smoking your New Years Resolution?

The New Year can be an excellent time to get moving on your quit smoking goals. 

Great, You’ve decided 2023 is your year to quit; what next?  It’s time get prepared to meet your goals. Here are 6 tips to set you on your way to Quit smoking success.


 1.  Surround yourself with a support crew. 

This could be family, friends or workmates. These should be people who you can brief if you fall off the wagon so to speak. Part of your support crew plan should be them being briefed on what you’d like from them. You know […]

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Tipping Point

It’s important to have reached the tipping point when you want to quit smoking. Not the physical tipping point where your body has been damaged, and you need to quit! The mental tipping point is when you feel ready, the point when your want to outweighs your need to.
A lot of people come to me to quit smoking, but they have been motivated by the things that are going on in their lives. Their lives are out of balance from things such as marriage failure, anxiety and stress etc.
In situations such as this, you need to balance your life. The […]

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Does Smoking Relax You?

Does a cigarette really relax you?  The facts are the opposite.  A cigarette actually causes more stress!

The heart of a smoker works so much harder, beating up to 10 000 extra beats every day as it struggles to pump the blood around the body because the arteries become blocked, restricted and clogged. Are you suffering from cold feet? It is because it does not receive enough blood.  This is why smokers have high blood pressure and increased risk of blood clots – because the heart has to work so hard to get the thickened blood through the veins and arteries. The effect […]

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