Smoking is a Habit

Habit can be defined as: an acquired pattern of behavior that often occurs automatically (Wikipedia)
Habits are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. The American Journal of Psychology defines habit as: “A habit, from the standpoint of psychology, is a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience.” Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks. Habituation is an extremely simple form of learning, in which an organism, after […]

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Is Nicotine Beneficial?

For quite a few people, nicotine provides the benefits that some people get from caffeine or Ritalin: it helps them focus and be more productive, overcoming attention-deficit-type problems. For some people, nicotine provides relief from stress, anxiety, or panic. For people suffering from some severe mental illnesses, nicotine seems to provide great relief, which probably explains why a very large fraction of psychiatric patients smoke.
Nicotine is also suspected as the reason for the lower incidence of Parkinson’s Disease among smokers. And for those who have it, nicotine appears to reduce the associated symptoms.
Laws against smoking in public places are often […]

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Accept Suggestions

Just recently, at Quit Smoking Expert in Capalaba, I had someone who found it difficult to go into a trance. Before the process, I emphasised that he would need to accept all my suggestions 100% with no questions asked. I told him that he if did not accept my suggestions or questioned them, the process of going into a trance would not work. I also emphasised that I would not give him any inappropriate suggestions as he would not accept them and would not be good for my business if I had clients saying that I was giving inappropriate suggestions.
All […]

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How do you value you?

Recently at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba, I have had several people questioning the cost of quitting smoking. It is pretty interesting as I have found that people are asking this question as they do not fully understand their choices. You always have choices, in this situation, you can either choose to pay and quit smoking or decide that it is too expensive and carry on smoking.
Let’s look at the consequences of these decisions.
By deciding to pay and quit smoking, you will become healthier and live longer, and your chances of heart disease and cancer will drop dramatically. […]

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What’s In Your Mind?

Most smokers that I see at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba have taken up smoking to fit in. the habit of smoking cigarettes has been put into the unconscious mind but has been warped so that the unconscious mind thinks that by smoking it is protecting you. When you have a habit like this, linked to survival, it can be hard to eliminate.
There are many ways to quit smoking but the biggest problem is that when you remove the habit of smoking from the unconscious mind you leave a void. Nature will not have a void and will […]

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As they say, your perceptions become your reality, and that is why it is really good not to have perceptions of hypnosis but in a particular hypnotic trance.
When someone perceives trance, it does two things: it takes away from your concentration, and if the trance is not like you imagined, you think that you have not gone into a trance. When this happens, you then begin to question what has happened.
I had a customer at Quit Smoking in Capalaba the other day who did not think she had gone into a trance. When I asked her about this, she told […]

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Where is Health in Your Values?

At Quit Smoking Expert in Capalaba, I am often asked by women why they were able to quit smoking when they were pregnant and then took it up after the baby was born.
This is all about your values and where they stand on your hierarchy list. You will live your life according to your values. The higher something is on your values hierarchy, the easier it is to accomplish, and you will not procrastinate. When a woman falls pregnant, health value often rises the list of values and often becomes the top value. The reason for this is that everybody […]

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Emotional Smoking

Stress. Woman stressed

One of my clients came back the other day as he had started smoking. He started smoking within 48 hours of doing the quit process. When this happens, it usually happens for one of two reasons: you don’t want to quit or deep in the unconscious mind, there is a feeling that there is a benefit.
After some questioning, it transpired that the client thought that he wanted to quit smoking, but deep in his unconscious mind was an emotional tie to smoking. You see, the client was spending all his money and energy on bringing up […]

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Smoking Is My Friend

I’ve recently had a few people that have come to me to quit smoking in 60 minutes in Capalaba that have told me that smoking is like a friend to them. It is always there, and they can get comfort from it.
This is seriously flawed thinking. Smoking will shorten your life, it is often a slow and miserable way to die, it increases your chance of stroke, it increases your chance of cancer and heart disease, plus many other things. If you knew someone that would slowly and surely kill you, would you be friends with them? Of course, the […]

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