Smoking and Blood Sugar

Blood sugar plummets in many people when first quitting. The most common side effects felt during the first three days can often be traced back to blood sugar issues. Symptoms such as headache, inability to concentrate, dizziness, time perception distortions, and the ubiquitous sweet tooth encountered by many, are often associated with this blood sugar drop. The symptoms of low blood sugar are basically the same symptoms as not having enough oxygen, similar to reactions experienced at high altitudes.
The reason being the inadequate supply of sugar and/or oxygen means the brain is getting an incomplete fuel. If you have […]

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Have the Goal in Mind

Many people when they come to me are afraid that they will fail and start smoking again. A lot of this is due to the fact that they do not have a goal of what their life will be like when they quit smoking. Instead of developing and focusing on their goal they spend their time looking over their shoulder at things that happened in the past. If you drive down the road and continiously look in the rear view mirrow you will have an accident. That is the same thing that you are doing when you keep looking over […]

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How Effective is Hypnosis for Quitting?

Here is a brief review of some of the research evidence on the effectiveness of hypnosis:
90.6% Success Rate for Smoking Cessation Using Hypnosis
Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent from tobacco use at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using hypnosis.
University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.
87% Reported Abstinence from Tobacco Use With Hypnosis
A field study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using hypnosis. At […]

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The Tobacco Plant

Tobacco is a plant of the nightshade family. The term is applied also to the cured and processed leaves of certain varieties of the plant, which are used in the manufacture of cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff. Nicotine, an alkaloid contained in tobacco, is used for medical purposes and as an insecticide. Tobacco is one of the most important commodities in world trade, and is of major importance in the economy of the United States.
China is by far the world’s leading tobacco producer, with the United States ranking second. Most of the United States crop is produced […]

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Smoking Statistics for Australia

Around the middle of the last century, a clear majority of males aged 16 and over were smokers, compared to about one quarter of females (Table 1.1). In the following decades smoking among men declined, probably in response to the initial publicity regarding the health effects of smoking which first emerged in the 1950s and early 1960s. Women have always had a lower prevalence of smoking than men, but smoking among women continued to increase in the 1970s.
Percentage of Smokers in Australia 1945 – 1976
Year Male Female
1945 72 26
1964 58 28
1969 45 28
1974 45 30
1976 43 33

Smoking in both sexes declined from 1980 to 2007, the most dramatic drop being in males […]

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The History of Tobacco Smoking in Australia

Tobacco smoking first reached Australian shores when it was introduced to northern-dwelling Indigenous communities by visiting Indonesian fishermen in the early 1700s. British patterns of tobacco use were transported to Australia along with the new settlers in 1788. Among free settlers, officers and convicts, tobacco smoking was widespread and in the years following colonisation, British smoking behavior was rapidly adopted by Indigenous people as well.
In the earliest days of the colony the tobacco supply was unreliable and usage among convicts, in particular, was restricted, but by the early 1800s tobacco was an essential commodity routinely issued to servants, prisoners and […]

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As people we like to think that we are individuals but in reality we like to fit in and go around in groups, hence the term sheeple. It is the sheeple effect( the need to fit in ) that is probably the biggest factor that gets people to smoke. The desire to fit in is so great that it overides the consequences. Usually a person will start to smoke when everybody around himm or her smokes. When they smoke they fit in and the sub-conscious mind translates thsi as a method of survival. It this garbled message that resides in […]

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Smoking and Blood Glucose

Nicotine affects the mind and body at many different levels, some of which are more dangerous than others. When nicotine is ingested through smoking and chewing, blood sugar levels are temporary raised. This is the case in diabetics and non-diabetics.
The effect of smoking on blood sugar levels was investigated in 26 diabetic patients and 24 non-diabetic patients. Glucose levels were determined before smoking and 15,30 and 60 minutes after smoking two cigarettes. Both groups showed an increase in glucose after smoking but the effect was more marked in the group of diabetics.
The effects on blood glucose levels may be more […]

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Health Effects of Smoking

Here are some of the latest statistics on smoking in Queensland, Australia:
16% of people aged 18-24 years smoke daily.There are more men smoking in this category then women. About 1 in 6 men and 1 in 8 women smoke in Australia.Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable disease and death.
Health Effects
• initial stimulation, then reduction in brain and nervous system activity
• enhanced alertness and concentration
• mild euphoria and/or feelings of relaxation
• increased blood pressure and heart rate
• decreased blood flow to body extremities like the fingers and toes
• dizziness, nausea, watery eyes and acid in the stomach
• decreased appetite, taste and smell.
• less or no sense of […]

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Why Do You Want To Quit?

Before starting any process to quit smoking it is advisable to get really clear why you want to quit. Once you are clear picture what your life will be like when you quit. See it and feel it. I suggest a feeling board. Write your feelings down of how you are going to feel when you quit. A thought coupled with a feeling is so much more powerful than a thought alone. Like everything in life if you do some planning then it works so much better. Do some pre work on why you want to quit and how your […]

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