Vaping – A Dummy for Adults

                Adult Dummy?

What are e-cigarettes? Electronic cigarettes contain an inhaler, an atomiser and nicotine suspended in propylene glycol and water.

What do they look like? Like a normal cigarette including water vapour that resembles cigarette smoke. The products cost about $4 each and are approximately equivalent to one packet of cigarettes.

 Are they available? They are banned from sale in Victoria but are being sold online for personal use.

Health risks? Authorities warn that ingestion of excessive nicotine can cause vomiting, breathing difficulties and, in extreme cases, death.

There is a chance that by using […]

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How to Quit Smoking for Good

The negative health effects of smoking are well documented. Long term smoking significantly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It’s also a major contributing factor of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) – a group of lung conditions that result in bronchitis and emphysema.

Smoking is so damaging to the body that the CDC estimates that smokers cut their life expectancy by at least 10 years shorter than non-smokers. Yet even if you’re aware of these facts you might find it almost impossible to resist lighting up. Why? Because nicotine – the main ingredient in cigarettes – is incredibly addictive […]

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It’s not just lung cancer

When people think of diseases associated with smoking cigarettes they often think of lung cancer or heart disease. Whilst these are the most known diseases it is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some of the lesser known diseases caused by smoking:

• Cancer: bladder, liver, colorectal, cervical
• Diabetes
• Erectile dysfunction
• Ectopic pregnancy
• Vision loss
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Stroke
• Weakening of bones
• Hearing loss
• Poor circulation
• Crohn’s disease
• Acid reflux

This is by no means the entire list of diseases caused by smoking. The question is, given the fact that we know that smoking destroys our health why in most cases […]

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How Much Does Being Healthy Cost?

Healthy vs Sickness

How much does being healthy cost us?   Actually, not a lot!   Unless……..    Unless we have made some poor choices in the past!

What do I mean by that?   Well, as children, we don’t like vegetables, but love dessert!   We’d rather eat a cake or a biscuit than an apple!  Ask any parent and you have a 75% chance they will tell you they don’t like mealtimes because of the battle to get kids to eat healthy foods.  For some parents, especially nowadays when both parents are working and time is very short in the evenings, takeaways are an […]

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Stop Smoking Quickly

I recently received an email from a client of mine!  She said, “Hi Steve it’s been over two and a half years since you helped me to stop smoking.  I have the odd thought of a cigarette but I do nothing about it. Thank you.”
This made my day as she had been smoking for 50 years, 30 to 40 cigarettes a day.

Smoking Habit

People ask me how is it possible to stop smoking so quickly! How can you change such a long-ingrained habit with one session of hypnosis? Hypnosis allows you to move the critical part of the mind, the conscious […]

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The Cost of Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes has a cost that can be easily seen and not so easily seen. There are three main areas that come as a cost from smoking: financial, physical health, mental health.

Smoking cigarettes in Australia is very expensive. The average smoker in Australia will spend about $ 8500 per year. The biggest problem is that this cost is only paid out in small amounts every time you buy a pack of cigarettes. Despite this people do see the cost and this is probably one of the things that is most mentioned when someone wants to quit smoking.

The break down of […]

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Are You Too Confused to Stop Smoking?

There are so Many Ways to Stop Smoking

These days, everyone is an Expert!  Everyone has the best way to stop smoking!  The Government or health department insists that Nicorette patches, sprays chewing gums or pills or potions are the answer.  But are they?

These days there are the infamous e-cigarettes.  When smoking isn’t really smoking!  Really, there is still nicotine,  You are still sucking on a ‘cigarette’,  it still has control over you, and it is still doing harm to your body.  Think about it,  how long did it take for the ‘public’ to know about the harmful affects of nicotine!  […]

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Is Your Health Suffering?

As a teenager I was fit, focused on health and ‘pumped weights’ as a power weight lifter for my University.   After University, I was a Medic in the Army, so still fit and health!  I ate plenty of junk food, drank too many ‘brandy and cokes’, in fact Coke was my drink of choice!  It didn’t show on my body as I was so active.

Fast forward a few years, I became a scuba diver, my diet was extremely unhealthy, but still I was fit, slim and looked a picture of health.   To be honest, through all these years, I never […]

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Want Your Life Back?

Often, when people come to see me to quit smoking, they are suffering from long term stress and anxiety. In these cases, smoking can be helping that person cope with their stress and anxiety.

Do You Get Tricked By Smoking?

How does this happen: Well, when you inhale (drag) on a cigarette your lungs are filled with air. The deeper you inhale the more air is dragged into your lungs. Then you hold that inhale for a few moments and then, let it all go! It is the same physical action you do when meditating or trying to slow down your heart […]

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What’s the feelings when smoking?

I was talking to someone the other day about the want to quit smoking. In the course of the conversation I asked him what emotions or feelings did he get from smoking cigarettes. He thought long and hard about this and said that he made him feel relaxed. It also gave him a feeling of calm. I then asked him to dig deeper and go to the feelings under that. Eventually he came the feelings of being part of a group or the emotion of belonging.

In most cases smoking cigarettes has come from an emotion of fitting in. When you […]

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