I’m Afraid To Quit

I’m Afraid To Quit

A lot of people that come to see us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba say that they are afraid or fearful about quitting smoking.
They see smoking as almost a friend: it’s always there for them and they have been doing it for a long time. What will they do if they do not have smoking?
Let’s look at this and the cost to you of thinking like this. Firstly it’s like a friend and it’s always there. If I was to offer you a deal in life where I would benefit but you would get nothing would you […]

Imagine you won $7,500

Imagine you won $7,500

Imagine this:

You’ve just won $7,500. Quite a sum of money. But what are you going to spend it on? But here’s the catch – I’ll give you only two options:

Family holiday at the beach        

One year of cigarettes – health deteriorating, etc









It should be an easy choice and at first glance you’d probably reach for the holiday, but in reality, you choose the cigarettes each and every day. They hold onto you, or at least that’s how it feels. 

The idea of giving up cigarettes even for a year to get $7,500 in […]

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

As the age-old saying goes, health is wealth, so is it time to quit smoking to lead a healthy life? During our lives, we all fall into the trap of becoming addicted to ‘something!’  Smoking is one common addiction of our generation. People start smoking during their teen years for various reasons; one of the prime reasons is peer pressure. However, later in life, as their situation changes and they decide to dump the smoking habit, they find quitting is a challenging task.

Nobody sets out to let smoking control their lives.  But eventually, it does.

As you age, your body starts […]

How Much Does Being Healthy Cost?

Healthy vs Sickness

How much does being healthy cost us?   Actually, not a lot!   Unless……..    Unless we have made some poor choices in the past!

What do I mean by that?   Well, as children, we don’t like vegetables, but love dessert!   We’d rather eat a cake or a biscuit than an apple!  Ask any parent and you have a 75% chance they will tell you they don’t like mealtimes because of the battle to get kids to eat healthy foods.  For some parents, especially nowadays when both parents are working and time is very short in the evenings, takeaways are an […]

The Cost of Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes has a cost that can be easily seen and not so easily seen. There are three main areas that come as a cost from smoking: financial, physical health, mental health.

Smoking cigarettes in Australia is very expensive. The average smoker in Australia will spend about $ 8500 per year. The biggest problem is that this cost is only paid out in small amounts every time you buy a pack of cigarettes. Despite this people do see the cost and this is probably one of the things that is most mentioned when someone wants to quit smoking.

The break down of […]

The Cost of Smoking

At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes I ask my clients when they come in for quit smoking what it costs them. This is not just from the health view but how much money it actually costs to smoke cigarettes. Most people cannot tell me. Why is this? I think it is for two reasons;
1. The cost to smoke is not seen in a lump sum. Payment is packet by packet and so the total cost is not seen.
2. People don’t want to acknowledge the cost.
The actual cost of cigarettes makes more impact in first world countries as taxation has made […]

The Cost of Smoking

I ask my clients when they come in for quit smoking what it costs them. This is not just from the health view but how much money it costs to smoke. Most people cannot tell me. Why is this? I think it is for two reasons;
1. The cost to smoke is not seen in a lump sum. Payment is packet by packet and so the total cost is not seen.
2. People don’t want to acknowledge the cost.
The actual cost of cigarettes makes more impact in first world countries as taxation has made smoking expensive. This still does not prevent people from smoking. […]

Study finds tobacco taxes reduce smoking

Raising tobacco prices through taxes could help reduce tobacco consumption in low and middle-income countries, a study published in the Tobacco Control journal has found.

The study compared cigarette prices in 15 low and middle-income countries, including bidis (small, hand-rolled cigarettes in India and Bangladesh). They found large price differences – indicating opportunities to raise tobacco prices through tax adjustments.

A uniform high excise tax ensures a higher price for tobacco products and can reduce the range of tobacco prices available in countries. It’s been found that higher-priced tobacco products result in less tobacco consumption.

Key findings from the study are:
• The average […]

How do you value you?

Recently at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba, I have had several people questioning the cost of quitting smoking. It is pretty interesting as I have found that people are asking this question as they do not fully understand their choices. You always have choices, in this situation, you can either choose to pay and quit smoking or decide that it is too expensive and carry on smoking.
Let’s look at the consequences of these decisions.
By deciding to pay and quit smoking, you will become healthier and live longer, and your chances of heart disease and cancer will drop dramatically. […]

Why Shock Does Not Work

At Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba, I have been carrying out my own survey on the effect of the horrible pictures that they put on cigarette packets and the cost of smoking. Both these measures have been implemented to reduce the number of people who smoke.
In almost 100% of the people that I have surveyed, the picture on the pack has made no difference at all. I ask people if they know what the picture is on the pack and does it make them want to give up. In just about all cases, the person does not know […]