The Benefits of Quitting Smoking

When people come to us at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba we ask them to list the benefits that they will get from quitting. Here are some of them:
• Breathe easier
• More Energy
• Live Longer
• Better quality of a future life
• More in control of their lives
• Will be around for their children and grandchildren
• More money
• Able to socialise with whomever they want whenever they want
• Less inconvenience
• Smell fresher
• Don’t have to lie about smoking
• More time and more efficient
• Better health
There are many more benefits to be gained by quitting. The list above is by […]

Vaping and Young Smokers

Vaping and Young Smokers

Our Kids are getting sucked into Vaping.  Vaping and youth smokers are a national problem.

The World Health Organisation has just come out with a recommendation that electronic cigarettes are harmful. In the past, they endorsed electronic cigarettes as there was not enough evidence that it is harmful.  BUT Now we have had the deaths of several young kids.  Many children are starting to vape at primary school.  Some are as young as eight years old.

The electronic cigarette is just another way to deliver nicotine to the body, and anybody who thinks nicotine is not harmful is deluding themselves. Nicotine is […]

How do I quit vaping?

How do I quit vaping?

How do I quit vaping?

Vaping was once seen as a stepping stone to quitting. Instead, for many, it has become a replacement. While we still collect information on the safety of vaping vs smoking cigarettes, it is clear that vaping is still an unhealthy alternative.  Is it time to quit vaping?   

The good news is that the process to quit vaping is the same as it is for quitting smoking. The reason you vape e-cigarettes is the same reason you smoke. We tackle this with our hypnotherapy program. 

Vaping E-cigarettes is Trendy

E-cigarette use is also particularly prevalent among young people. Even […]

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

As the age-old saying goes, health is wealth, so is it time to quit smoking to lead a healthy life? During our lives, we all fall into the trap of becoming addicted to ‘something!’  Smoking is one common addiction of our generation. People start smoking during their teen years for various reasons; one of the prime reasons is peer pressure. However, later in life, as their situation changes and they decide to dump the smoking habit, they find quitting is a challenging task.

Nobody sets out to let smoking control their lives.  But eventually, it does.

As you age, your body starts […]

The Cost of Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes has a cost that can be easily seen and not so easily seen. There are three main areas that come as a cost from smoking: financial, physical health, mental health.

Smoking cigarettes in Australia is very expensive. The average smoker in Australia will spend about $ 8500 per year. The biggest problem is that this cost is only paid out in small amounts every time you buy a pack of cigarettes. Despite this people do see the cost and this is probably one of the things that is most mentioned when someone wants to quit smoking.

The break down of […]

A great tip to successfully stop smoking

Recently a lady phoned me to enquire about my process to stop smoking.

She said that she loved smoking but it was getting to expensive to smoke cigarettes. Immediately the alarm bells went off in my mind. I asked her what was her main reason to quit smoking cigarettes. She replied that it was because it was too expensive to smoke.

Why did the alarm bells in my mind go off? They went off because if your main reason to stop smoking is the cost the chances of you succeeding are remote. You will always find money to smoke! The average person […]

How to relieve stress without smoking

Many people who smoke cigarettes say that they do it to relieve any stress that they may have. Smoking does and it does not relieve stress.

When you inhale the nicotine from a cigarette it causes your blood vessels to constrict, this interferes with your blood circulation. When you get stressed your blood goes to your muscles so that they can react, they tense up. Smoking interferes with the blood circulation and makes the stress worse!!

On the other hand, the act of putting a cigarette to your mouth and taking it away plus the deep breathing of the smoke helps relieve […]

Smoking Cigarettes makes you an Outcast

Smoking Cigarettes makes you an Outcast

When you first started smoking cigarettes it was probably the in thing. Your friends or family might have smoked around you and it was cool to smoke. It was a way to fit in. You may even have started to smoke as an act of rebellion.
Now days, the pressures of society are to be fit and healthy and smoking does not fit into this model.

In Australia especially, it is becoming more and more hard to find a place to smoke. People look at you as if you are an outcast when you are standing outside smoking.

It is ironic that most […]

Stop smoking and enjoy a new friend

When I ask my clients if they really want to quit smoking a lot of them say yes and then but. This but is usually followed by smoking has been my thing and has always been there for me or what am I going to do instead.


Let’s look at this a little more closely. Even though your smoking habit has been there for you and it is like a friend that relationship can have serious consequences. These consequences are usually an early and miserable death.


To break the habit or relationship with smoking you need to replace it with another relationship […]

Why can people smoke and be healthy?

Some people can smoke all their lives and it does not seem to affect them. They live to a ripe old age and they die from something not related to smoking.

The answer I believe is that we do not know. What I do know is that these people do not represent the norm. It is a complex interaction of factors that contribute to the effects of smoking and these include lifestyle and genetics.


Just because your father lived to a ripe old age and was not affected by smoking does not mean the same thing will happen to you. You may […]