Are You a Good Role Model for Your Children?

Are You a Good Role Model for Your Children?

One of the many reasons why people decide to quit smoking is they are worried they are not being a good role model for their children.

Children look up to their parents and mimic what they do. I have lost count of the number of people who have come to quit smoking because their child has been seen pretending to smoke cigarettes. Young Kids think everything you do is right and acceptable!  For the first seven years of their lives your child has no filters, what you do, say and teach them is ‘right’!  it builds the foundation of who they […]

To Succeed You Need to Engage

I had a client come to see me for quit smoking. Before we started I was careful to explain that you have to engage for the process to succeed. In other words, you have to accept all suggestions and act on them.

Not long into the hypnosis session I noticed that she was just closing her eyes but not accepting the suggestions that I was giving her. I stopped the session and then asked her what was going on for her. She told me that she was consumed about the recent death of a friend and was finding it very hard […]

What is Hypnosis?

When most people think of hypnosis they think of stage shows or television shows. The hypnotist in those shows is usually very good and entertaining.

When people think of hypnotherapy they tend to think of it as the same as hypnosis. Whilst hypnosis can be used for entertainment it can also be used for therapy, hence the word hypnotherapy.

Go to a dozen hypnotherapists and you will get a dozen different explanations of what hypnosis is. My definition is that hypnosis is a state of acceptance and focus that causes a change of state. We all spend our lives in and out […]

It’s not an addiction. It’s a habit!

Smoking is a habit and if you want to quit smoking then you have to break the habit. The other day I was listening to a lecture and the person said that there was no such a thing as an addiction, just habits. She said that anything repeated on a regular basis is a habit.

When you think about it smoking cigarettes is a habit. Every time you smoke a cigarette you reinforce the habit. If you take the time out to look at when you smoke you will find that there are certain things that trigger the urge to smoke.


The […]

It’s not safe to be successful – beliefs that keep us smoking

I had a client that came to see me the other day to be motivated and said that they were afraid of success. When someone comes to see me about this I know that it comes down to two things, firstly they are not leading their life in accordance with their top values and secondly, they have a limiting belief about success.

Let’s firstly look at the limiting belief of success. We all have limiting beliefs, and these come about from before we are born and continue until we die. The limiting beliefs come from our experiences in this world and […]

Smoking makes you feel safe

I had someone call me about quitting smoking cigarettes. During the course of the conversation he mentioned that he had successfully quit smoking for several years but with the death of his daughter he started to smoke again.

I could just use hypnosis to help him stop smoking cigarettes but if there is another underlying cause for smoking the chances of him going back to smoking are high. In this person’s case the deep underlying cause was grief and guilt of the death of his daughter.


Smoking enabled to help him stop thinking about it and it also gave him a sense […]

Become a permanent non-smoker who breathes fresh air

Become a permanent non-smoker who breathes fresh air

I had a 70-year-old lady come to see me to stop smoking. She had been smoking for 50 years and was smoking 40 to 50 cigarettes a day.

When I asked her why she wanted to quit smoking at her age she replied, I’ve still got plenty of years left to live and smoking is getting in the way of me enjoying them.

You will be surprised at the number of 70-year-olds that come to stop smoking and who all say the same thing, they still have a lot of years to live.

This week I got an email from this lady and […]

Smoking Cigarettes makes you an Outcast

Smoking Cigarettes makes you an Outcast

When you first started smoking cigarettes it was probably the in thing. Your friends or family might have smoked around you and it was cool to smoke. It was a way to fit in. You may even have started to smoke as an act of rebellion.
Now days, the pressures of society are to be fit and healthy and smoking does not fit into this model.

In Australia especially, it is becoming more and more hard to find a place to smoke. People look at you as if you are an outcast when you are standing outside smoking.

It is ironic that most […]

Some helpful tips to stop smoking

Some helpful tips to stop smoking

When you decide to stop smoking make sure that you really want to. As with most things in life you have to want to do something to do it. Everybody who smokes cigarettes needs to quit smoking but the big thing is do you want to quit smoking? Make sure that you are in a place where smoking cigarettes is no longer serving you. If you are clear that you want to quit your chances of quitting are increased.

Another thing that increases your chances to stop smoking is your mindset. Make sure that you are not in an emotional mindset […]

How to stop your suicidal habit of smoking

Smoking is just a suicidal habit that can lead to an early and miserable death. Just about everybody that I see wants to quit smoking because of the effect it has on their health.
I had a woman who came to see me that said that she wanted to quit smoking cigarettes because it made her look older and that she did not like the control that cigarettes and smoking had over her. Her next statement said it all; she said that she had just turned 36 and was beginning to feel the health effects of smoking. She did not have […]