A Fast and Effective Way to Overcome Stress and Anxiety

In the past hypnosis was used very successfully for the treatment of anxiety, stress and what is now called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For whatever reason, hypnosis after the 70’s was ignored or played down as a treatment for these conditions.

However times have changed and hypnosis is now playing a bigger part in the treatment of these conditions. In fact hypnosis has been described as a simple, safe and elegant way to remove the effects of stress, anxiety, trauma and PTSD. The reasons for this are:

Hypnosis is fast and does not need long periods with frequent visits.
Hypnosis is non-intrusive […]

Am I ready to quit?

I recently had a client who wanted to quit smoking but was not ready as he had a very emotive issue in his life. He wanted to quit smoking cigarettes but his partner had just left him. I think that you would agree that in most cases this is very emotional.

Now he could have come to me to quit smoking with hypnosis but the likelihood of it being effective I believe would have been quite slim. In this case his thoughts are taken up by the emotions of his relationship breaking down.

What I am getting at is that to successfully […]

I’m Afraid

I had a client the other day for quit smoking cigarettes that burst into tears when I asked him if he really wanted to quit smoking. He said that he did but he was afraid that he would fail. He had tried in the past and he had failed.

Many people who come to see me have failed to quit smoking and then succeeded. The point is that you do not need to be a victim of your history. So called failure is just feedback and you learn from feedback. If you look at your life you will see that you […]

I just can’t Quit!

I have had many people come to me for quit smoking and have said that they have given up drugs, some of them quite hard drugs, but they can’t seem to quit smoking.

I believe that this comes down to the fact that our brains are extremely primitive. As wonderful as the brain is there is still a lot of it that acts as if we are in the caveman times. If you are being chased by a great big sabre toothed tiger then your chances of survival are much better if you are in a group. Because of this there […]

Does smoking cigarettes help with stress and anxiety?

Many people think that smoking helps when they are stressed or anxious. Is this true?

The answer is yes and no. Don’t know about you but that is not a very helpful answer. Let’s look at this in a bit more detail to understand it.

When you smoke a cigarette the nicotine in the cigarette causes the blood vessels to constrict. This interferes with the blood circulation and your blood pressure goes up. This in turn causes stress in your body so smoking adds additional stress to an already stressful situation. When you quit smoking cigarettes your circulation improves and your body […]

It’s hard to quit smoking!!!

Many of us set a goal to quit smoking for the New Year. At first we go along fine with us telling ourselves that” we are not going to smoke”. As time goes by it gets harder and harder to not smoke a cigarette and eventually that little voice that tells us to smoke wins and we cave in.

Why does this happen? There are several reasons and one of them is that our unconscious mind cannot take in negatives. When we say we “are not going to smoke” the unconscious mind translates it to we” are going to smoke”.

You will […]

Control. What me!!

One of the things that amaze me at quit smoking in 60 minutes here in Capalaba is that most of the people that have come to quit smoking do not see that the habit of smoking cigarettes controls them.

It is common to have a person sitting in front of me that by their own admission structures their day, no lives around cigarettes. They are constantly making sure that they have enough cigarettes so that they do not run out or they have to leave a gathering so that they can smoke.

Some myths about smoking

I was just recently reading an article of how a university in America was going to ban smoking on campus. In the article the writer said that few or if any people gave up smoking after 26 because it was so addictive.
At Quit Smoking Expert here in Capalaba we help a lot of people to quit smoking cigarettes in 60 minutes. Because of this I think we are in a position to say that this is really not true at all.
What we have found is that the majority of people that come to us to quit smoking using hypnosis are […]

Don’t replace one bad habit with another

At Quit Smoking Expert people come to me to stop smoking cigarettes in 60 minutes. They think that once they have quit smoking they will have a healthy life. It’s not that simple.

Quitting smoking cigarettes is really just the beginning of leading a healthy life. Unfortunately a lot of people do not realise this and become disappointed. One of the really bad habits that I frequently encounter is the substitute of food for smoking.

It is a complete myth that you substitute food for smoking. It is a choice […]

Stuff Health I Want to Smoke!

I had an interesting case last week from a client who came to see me at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba.

The client had a heart attack and as a result he quit smoking. He had quit for two years but came to see me because he was getting cravings to smoke again. It was so bad that he was avoiding having any contact with anyone that was smoking. Since most of his workmates were smokers he was avoiding them and getting a reputation of being anti-social.

What was […]