The benefits of nicotine

Scientists have found in the last few years that nicotine may be an effective drug for relieving or preventing a variety of neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Tourette’s and schizophrenia. It might even improve attention and focus enough to qualify as a cognitive enhancer. These results have been found when nicotine has been delivered to the body as a patch or a gum and not by cigarettes or chewing tobacco. 

One of the biggest uses for nicotine has been for quitting smoking and in fact it has been found that nicotine for this is a dismal failure. […]

Does smoking cigarettes help with stress and anxiety?

Many people think that smoking helps when they are stressed or anxious. Is this true?

The answer is yes and no. Don’t know about you but that is not a very helpful answer. Let’s look at this in a bit more detail to understand it.

When you smoke a cigarette the nicotine in the cigarette causes the blood vessels to constrict. This interferes with the blood circulation and your blood pressure goes up. This in turn causes stress in your body so smoking adds additional stress to an already stressful situation. When you quit smoking cigarettes your circulation improves and your body […]

Electronic Cigarettes. Are they safe?

At the moment the jury is out about if e cigarettes are safe or not. Here’s something I’d like you to consider, but before that a little information on nicotine.

Nicotine is extremely poisonous and it is only the fact that your body heat causes a change in molecular structure that prevents it from killing you. Nicotine has been used for many years to produce some very effective pesticides so that gives you some idea of how poisonous it can be.

When you inhale nicotine it causes your blood vessels […]

Some myths about smoking

I was just recently reading an article of how a university in America was going to ban smoking on campus. In the article the writer said that few or if any people gave up smoking after 26 because it was so addictive.
At Quit Smoking Expert here in Capalaba we help a lot of people to quit smoking cigarettes in 60 minutes. Because of this I think we are in a position to say that this is really not true at all.
What we have found is that the majority of people that come to us to quit smoking using hypnosis are […]

What’s that you said?

At Quit Smoking Expert we are always looking at better ways to help people to quit smoking cigarettes and in pursuit of this we come across some interesting research. It makes sense that if you have a habit that affects your circulation then you can expect to have problems.

It appears that there is now more and more evidence that smoking can affect your hearing. I came across some recent research done in America and it makes interesting reading.

After making adjustments for other factors the results of the study showed that current smokers were 1.69 times as likely to have hearing […]

Electronic cigarettes Yes or No

Electronic cigarettes are becoming more and more acceptable these days as a way to reduce or quit smoking but I have some serious concerns about their use of them.
If you look at all the cases, there have been no proper studies on whether e-cigarettes are harmful or beneficial. The most common factor that I can see with e-cigarettes is that they use nicotine in the solution. Sure there are other mixes without nicotine, but most people are using nicotine mixes.
Before working as a hypnotherapist and becoming a quit-smoking expert, I worked as a crop scientist in the tobacco industry. This […]

E Cigarettes: Good or Bad?

Electronic cigarettes are gaining ground as people search for what they perceive is a healthier way to beat the habit of smoking. I get more and more clients at quit smoking in 60 minutes who have tried e-cigarettes in the hope of quitting smoking. The problem is that they do not quit, they just change the habit from smoking cigarettes to smoking e-cigarettes. I for one do not believe they are healthier if nicotine is involved. When are people going to wake up to the fact that nicotine is extremely poisonous and stresses your circulatory system.


While most researchers say e-cigarettes […]

Be grateful for what you have

I was listening to a cd the other day when the speaker said be grateful for what you have and work with it. After reflection I thought that it was a very true and profound statement.

How many of us ignore what we have to live in the past and the future. In our rush to do this we ignore what we have and keep on yearning for the “good old days” or “if only I had this I could”. The reality is that we all have a set of tools that we can use to make our lives the way […]

Nicotine should be banned

I was talking to a mate of mine over the weekend and he told me of how his boss was beating smoking by using electronic cigarettes. He told me that by his boss using a nicotine liquid in an electronic cigarette she was beating the risks of cancer! I was blown away by this belief as nothing could be further from the truth.
Nicotine is extremely poisonous and has and still is being used as a pesticide. The thing about the danger of inhaling nicotine is that it causes your blood vessels to constrict; this in turn raises your blood pressure. […]

It’s Only Nicotine

I recently had a customer at Quit Smoking in 60 minutes in Capalaba who told me that she had given up smoking but chewed nicotine gum so that she stayed a non-smoker.
Whilst this is healthier than smoking cigarettes it still takes its toll on your life. Nicotine is a highly poisonous substance and it is only the heat of your body, which causes a molecular change that prevents the nicotine from killing you. It doesn’t make sense to introduce such a substance into your body.
Nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict, by doing this it increases your blood pressure […]