Sobering Event

This week I went to my doctor as I had suddenly developed a lump on my tongue which was quite painful. Don’t know how people can have piercings in their tongue. I felt like I had a boulder in my mouth. When I went to see the doctor he had a look at my tongue, did not say much but sent me to an ear, nose and throat surgeon. I started to immediately go into fear and started to play the movie of me having cancer of the mouth without any evidence at all. I played the movie without the […]


Have you ever set a goal and did not accomplish it? Chances are that they were not congruent with your top values. If you set a goal that is congruent with your top values or will allow you to reach your top values then you will probably achieve it.
A goal is something that you perceive is missing in your life, a void. Your values and the hierarchy of your values are unique to you. You spend your life fulfilling your values, in particular your top values. What are your top values? There is an exercise to determine these but look […]

High Toxic Compounds Found In Tobacco Not Regulated By Law

Researchers from the University of Alicante (Spain) have analyzed ten brands of cigarettes and found that the concentrations of certain harmful and carcinogenic substances vary significantly from one brand to another. Until now legislation has not covered these compounds and only establishes limits for nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Scientists have also developed catalysts to reduce the harmful products in tobacco.
In accordance with current legislation, cigarette packets indicate the nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide concentrations in order to confirm that these do not exceed permitted levels. However the quantity of these substances is not always proportional to the toxicity levels […]

Some Chemicals Found in Cigarettes

Here are some hidden ingredients you can find in a cigarette. The toluene in glue and cigarettes is a toxic substance that produces euphoria and irritation of the airways and lungs. Cadmium is extremely poisonous and can be found in cigarettes, it results in kidney damage. Tar is an ingredient found in roads and tires as well as cigarettes. A two pack a day smoker inhales one gram of tar a day. That is a quart of thick, gooey tar inhaled a year. Mothballs contain naphthalenes, also found in cigarettes. This proven poison causes reproductive and brain breakdown. The arsenic […]


In this day and age it is easier to label everything. It seems as everything has to be put into a box by labelling it. Not only do we have people labelling us but we label ourselves. As with everything in life there is a benefit and a drawback of being labelled.
When you are labelled something your actions in life reflect the label. If you have labelled yourself as a smoker then you think like a smoker and act like a smoker. If you are fulfilling this label then it becomes more difficult to quit smoking. You may not […]

Accept Suggestions

Just recently, at Quit Smoking Expert in Capalaba, I had someone who found it difficult to go into a trance. Before the process, I emphasised that he would need to accept all my suggestions 100% with no questions asked. I told him that he if did not accept my suggestions or questioned them, the process of going into a trance would not work. I also emphasised that I would not give him any inappropriate suggestions as he would not accept them and would not be good for my business if I had clients saying that I was giving inappropriate suggestions.
All […]

How do you value you?

Recently at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba, I have had several people questioning the cost of quitting smoking. It is pretty interesting as I have found that people are asking this question as they do not fully understand their choices. You always have choices, in this situation, you can either choose to pay and quit smoking or decide that it is too expensive and carry on smoking.
Let’s look at the consequences of these decisions.
By deciding to pay and quit smoking, you will become healthier and live longer, and your chances of heart disease and cancer will drop dramatically. […]

What’s In Your Mind?

Most smokers that I see at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba have taken up smoking to fit in. the habit of smoking cigarettes has been put into the unconscious mind but has been warped so that the unconscious mind thinks that by smoking it is protecting you. When you have a habit like this, linked to survival, it can be hard to eliminate.
There are many ways to quit smoking but the biggest problem is that when you remove the habit of smoking from the unconscious mind you leave a void. Nature will not have a void and will […]

Emotional Smoking

Stress. Woman stressed

One of my clients came back the other day as he had started smoking. He started smoking within 48 hours of doing the quit process. When this happens, it usually happens for one of two reasons: you don’t want to quit or deep in the unconscious mind, there is a feeling that there is a benefit.
After some questioning, it transpired that the client thought that he wanted to quit smoking, but deep in his unconscious mind was an emotional tie to smoking. You see, the client was spending all his money and energy on bringing up […]