Take Control

I had someone who was coming to see me to quit smoking cigarettes and they said that they were really nervous about it.

When I asked them why they were nervous about quit smoking they said to me that it was their crutch and they were afraid that they would fail.

Let’s look at this a little more closely. What they did not realise and what many people do not realise is the control that smoking cigarettes has. When you are relying on smoking to achieve relaxation, stress relief etc it means that you are giving control to your smoking habit.

What I […]

Quit Smoking or Resist

It amazes me how often people try to resist hypnosis when they came to quit smoking. One would think that resistance would be the last thing you would do when you come to stop smoking cigarettes.
Before doing the quit smoking process I always make it plain that you are to accept all of my suggestions 100% no questions asked. If you question or do not accept the suggestions then the process will not work. You can take the stance that you always question and do not just accept things. It’s your prerogative but it will not help you to stop […]

Quit Smoking, Quit Control

Quite often I will ask people who have come to me to quit smoking cigarettes if they think that their smoking habit controls them.

In a lot of cases they say that smoking does not control them, even with people who are smoking 40 to 50 cigarettes a day! When I ask them to look closely at how much their day is planned around smoking cigarettes they are often surprised at how much it controls their day.

In a lot of cases they see how much time is wasted searching for cigarettes and lighters, how much anxiety is caused if they don’t […]

Out of Control

Quite often when I am helping a person to quit smoking I ask them if they think that their habit is controlling them. It always amazes when they say that it doesn’t.

It is often a person who is a heavy smoker and been doing it for a long time that says their smoking habit is not controlling them. When they say this I usually follow up with some questions on their smoking and lifestyle, what usually comes out is:

They check often that they have their cigarettes and lighter.
They plan their day around cigarettes and smoking.
They will go to great lengths […]

He Made Me Do It

I had a client that told me that her brother made her smoke cigarettes. She said that he was smoking and insisted that she smoke as well.

The question is, did he really make her smoke cigarettes? For me the answer is no. we all have choices and I would suggest that it was her choice to smoke. She could have just as easily chosen not to smoke!

It seems to me that these days’ people do not want to accept the consequences of their choices. It’s much easier to blame someone else. It’s not my fault, its somebodies fault seems […]

How Effective is Hypnosis for Quitting?

Here is a brief review of some of the research evidence on the effectiveness of hypnosis for quit smoking:

90.6% Success Rate for Smoking Cessation Using Hypnosis

Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent from tobacco use at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using hypnosis.

University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.


87% Reported Abstinence from Tobacco Use With Hypnosis

A field study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of quit smoking by using hypnosis. […]

Change = Quit Smoking

I get a lot of people who come to me for quit smoking with the mindset that if they stop smoking cigarettes things will change.

They are right but have got things the wrong way around. The mindset should be that I want to change and by changing I will quit smoking cigarettes. It comes down to the question, do you want to change and are you prepared to do what it takes to change?

Like all things in life there is a positive and a negative. Some people regard change as positive and will embrace it whilst some regard it […]

Quit Smoking – Now What?

Once you have quit smoking cigarettes there are many situations that can tempt you to go back to that old habit of smoking. Here are some tips to help you stay a non-smoker:

Many people who have smoked have been doing it for such a long time that it is how they see themselves. They see themselves as smokers. Now that you have stopped smoking see yourself as a non-smoker. Take time in the day to visualise and feel how it feels is being a non-smoker.
Many places are associated with smoking. For example you may go to the same place in […]