New Year Goals

Many of us will set goals this coming New Year and within six weeks we will give up? Why is that? The goals are set with the best of intention and often if achieved will benefit us greatly, as an example quit smoking. The reason why we give up on these goals is that that are not attached or in alignment with our greatest values. You see when a goal is attached to our highest values it is easy to obtain, when it is not in alignment with our ou will not achieve highest values we will procrastinate and not […]

Its in Your Values

A lot of people come to me feeling frustrated and beating themselves up because they can’t
quit smoking by themselves. They try willpower, patches, acupuncture, hypnosis
etc but still continue to smoke.

This is often because health is not at the top of their value system and they really do
not want to give up. Let’s look at the value system first:

Everybody has their own unique set of values and we all live our lives trying to fulfil
our values. If something is high in our value system we will do things to try
and fulfil it easily and will be focused. If that something is […]

I’ll Get Fat if I quit

A lot of people are afraid of quitting smoking because they feel that they will gain to
much weight when they quit. Most people who quit smoking gain on an average of
2 to 5 kg in the long term. What is clear is that the health benefits of not
smoking far exceed any health complications with the weight gain.

It is popularly believed that smoking decreases body weight by supressing the appetite. Studies
have shown that smokers do not eat less than non-smokers or ex-smokers and, in
fact they tend to eat slightly more.

Eating consistently increases in the first weeks after stopping smoking, but will […]

Want to Age and go Bald – Smoke

When talking of the dangers of smoking things such as cancer, emphysema and heart
problems are always mentioned but there are some more insidious effects from
smoking. This is primarily around blood circulation and oxygen uptake by the

Nicotine when smoked causes the blood vessels to constrict and this reduces the amount
of blood to supply nutrients to the cells. This is especially pronounced with
the small blood vessels that nourish the skin. The blood also takes up the
carbon monoxide from smoking rather than oxygen so the blood of smokers has
less oxygen to give to the cells.

The net effect of this is that the cells […]

Smoking Helps You to Survive

From the age of 12 to about 25 the urge to fit in and be accepted can and will override
the consequences of our actions.

The urge to fit in and be accepted is translated by the brain as a survival mechanism.

The habit of smoking often starts in the early teens as a way to fit in, this habit is
translated as a habit that helps survival and that is why the habit of smoking
can be hard to give up.

The brain is a wonderful organ but it can still be quite primitive. In the past if we
worked together and in a group we […]

Smoking and Triggers

Smoking is often associated with an activity in life. In other words people will smoke when they are doing certain tasks, these are called triggers. To Quit Smoking successfully these triggers have to be identified and then broken. A common way of breaking smoking triggers or dissociating smoking from activities is to use hypnosis and NLP. Some of the more common triggers are:

Smoking after a meal
Smoking with coffee or tea
Smoking whilst driving
Smoking when stressed or bored
Smoking at parties
Smoking when drinking
Smoking after sex
Smoking whilst talking on the phone
