Quit Smoking and Cigarettes on the Net

For the past 10 years I have worked with clients, face to face in my consulting rooms in Capalaba.  However, for 5 to 6 years I have also worked over the internet via SKYPE or ZOOM.   So I was I was surprised when I had a client recently who came to me to quit smoking and he had been waiting ages to do it. When I asked him why he said that he lived in the country. Distance meant this was the first time he had been able to get into the city to see me. I told him that we […]

Imagine Life with No Smoking

What do you imagine happens during your Quit Smoking hypnosis session?  Often people who come to quit smoking, think that it is up to the hypnotherapist to make them stop smoking.    I suppose that could be an acceptable expectation.  However, the only person who can make change in your life is you.  Your therapist is the facilitator of the change, but the client makes the change happen.  It is essential that You decide ‘you want to stop smoking’.   You decide the result you want is to be a permanent non-smoker!   The hypnotherapist skill is to make suggestions to your […]

Blame and Shame of Smoking Cigarettes

Just recently I visited Sri Lanka. It was surprising to see that very few local people smoked cigarettes. The people that smoked were mostly overseas visitors.I asked my guide “why” so few Sri Lankan’s smoked. He told me that several years ago the government had launched a campaign to shame and blame smokers and that it had been very effective. Whilst I don’t advocate such a program I wondered why their quit smoking campaign had been so effective. The only thing that seemed logical was the culture of the people and the country. The government is listened to and it […]

Are You a Good Role Model for Your Children?

Are You a Good Role Model for Your Children?

One of the many reasons why people decide to quit smoking is they are worried they are not being a good role model for their children.

Children look up to their parents and mimic what they do. I have lost count of the number of people who have come to quit smoking because their child has been seen pretending to smoke cigarettes. Young Kids think everything you do is right and acceptable!  For the first seven years of their lives your child has no filters, what you do, say and teach them is ‘right’!  it builds the foundation of who they […]

To Succeed You Need to Engage

I had a client come to see me for quit smoking. Before we started I was careful to explain that you have to engage for the process to succeed. In other words, you have to accept all suggestions and act on them.

Not long into the hypnosis session I noticed that she was just closing her eyes but not accepting the suggestions that I was giving her. I stopped the session and then asked her what was going on for her. She told me that she was consumed about the recent death of a friend and was finding it very hard […]

What is Hypnosis?

When most people think of hypnosis they think of stage shows or television shows. The hypnotist in those shows is usually very good and entertaining.

When people think of hypnotherapy they tend to think of it as the same as hypnosis. Whilst hypnosis can be used for entertainment it can also be used for therapy, hence the word hypnotherapy.

Go to a dozen hypnotherapists and you will get a dozen different explanations of what hypnosis is. My definition is that hypnosis is a state of acceptance and focus that causes a change of state. We all spend our lives in and out […]

I’m a failure

Recently I received a message from someone that had come to me to quit smoking. The message read, I’ve failed I’ve started smoking again can I come and see you again. I feel like such a failure.

So let’s look at this and in particular the word, fail.

It’s not fail or failure it’s simply the body giving you feedback. In this case as is often the case with smoking the subconscious was saying that it was still getting a benefit from smoking. Since the subconscious is the most powerful part of the body you will do what the subconscious wants.

The biggest […]

What’s holding you back?

Are you happy with your life? Have you achieved what you would like to? Are you doing what you love? Do you have purpose?

If not, why not?

Are you doing habits such as smoking cigarettes that are harmful to you?

If so why?

Is it because you had a bad childhood? Is it because your boss doesn’t like you? Is it life in general? It doesn’t really matter what you think it is because if you really dig deep down the only thing that is holding you back is you and the decisions you make.

That’s OK for you I hear you say but […]

Do I, or Don’t I?

I was talking to a friend of mine who was trying to decide if he should move from a small town he lives in to a big city. He was saying to me do I move, or don’t I move.

When he was talking about moving all he was talking about was the positives of moving to the big city. I interrupted him and said to him have you considered both the negatives and the positives of moving to the big city?

There was a silence and he said, you know I haven’t done that. He then went on to say that […]

And the winner is..

And the winner is..

Are you a winner? I don’t mean in a sport sense, but in goal setting?  How often do you find yourself consciously wanting to lose weight or to quit smoking but somehow, no matter what you do, you never seem to get the result you desire.   The harder you try, the more you want the result, the harder it seems and ultimately, you give up and fail once again.

You decide:  it’s time to lose weight.  You are off to a great start, you eat well and stick to the eating healthy plan.  Everything works for a few days, then suddenly […]