Quit Smoking and Breathe Fresh Air

Smoking is a habit; all the research shows that nicotine is not addictive. The secret to stop smoking is to replace the habit of smoking with another habit.
With most ways of quitting smoking the habit is removed but nothing replaces it. This leaves a gap in the unconscious mind. Nature does not like gaps so will fill that gap, usually by you going back to smoking. That’s why people go back to smoking after quitting. That gap needs to be filled with another habit.
This gap can be filled with other habits like exercise or eating. The problem here is that […]

You’re smoking an insecticide

The tobacco plant produces its own insecticide to protect it. This insecticide is called nicotine and it is very effective. If you brush up against a tobacco leaf it will leave a brown gooey substance, this is mainly nicotine.
Tobacco is produced by drying the leaves under controlled conditions. This process concentrates the nicotine in the tobacco, the stuff that you smoke.
This was well known in the past and tobacco was often used to kill pests in the garden or on crops. At one stage, it was common to soak cured tobacco leaves in water and then spray that water over […]

Smoking, The Adult Dummy

One of the most common reasons why people smoke is that they believe that it reduces stress.
The answer to this is yes it does and no it doesn’t. When the nicotine from your cigarettes enters your system your blood vessels very rapidly constrict and your blood circulation is reduced. When you are stressed your muscles clench and need an increased blood supply. You smoke which interferes with this supply, the result is that it increases stress!!
There is a part of smoking cigarettes that reduces stress and this is the hand movements of smoking and the inhaling and exhaling. In fact, […]

Do you really want to quit?

Many people come to me to quit smoking and say that they want to quit but there is a part of them that still enjoys smoking. My reply to this is somewhat brutal but you cannot sugar coat it.
Everybody likes a fair deal. If I was to ask you to enter into a deal where you got nothing from it and it disadvantaged, you I very much doubt that you will enter into the deal. Here’s the deal that you have with smoking cigarettes; for whatever benefit that you perceive that you are getting from smoking the flip side is […]

E-cigarettes and quit smoking

The use of E-cigarettes to help people quit smoking is becoming more and more popular. Little is known about the health risks of using e-cigarettes and there is also debate about whether they help to quit smoking cigarettes and about how effective they are.

The following is the result of a survey done in the EU.

Expectations: Why people used e-cigarettes

67% to stop or reduce smoking                                                                           […]

Emotional Smoking

One of my clients came back the other day as he had started smoking. He started smoking within 48 hours of doing the quit process. When this happens it usually happens for one of two reasons: you don’t really want to quit or deep in the unconscious mind there is a feeling that there is a benefit,
After some questioning it transpired that the client thought that he wanted to quit smoking but deep in his unconscious mind was an emotional tie to smoking. You see the client was spending all his money and energy on bringing up his family and […]

I’ve smoked for too long

I’m frequently asked if I can help a person to quit smoking who has smoked for a long time. I get questions like, “I’ve been smoking for over 30 years can you help?”
The answer is yes I can help a person to quit smoking cigarettes even if they have been smoking for a long time. The length of time spent smoking does have an effect in that if a person has smoked for a long time what are they going to replace it with?
To quit smoking effectively you have to replace one habit with another. I replace the habit of […]

Smoking, Past Connections

I sometimes get people who just not seem to be able to quit smoking. They try everything and yet they still cannot quit.
Often the reason for this is the connection of their smoking with stress and trauma of the past. If your smoking is linked to this then you will not stop smoking cigarettes.
Let’s say in the past a person has had a serious accident and abuse. If the brain does not turn these incidents into a memory then the person is stuck in flight, fright or freeze. Being in a constant state of this manifests itself as […]

Lung Cancer and Smoking

One of the biggest reasons why people want to quit smoking is health, in particular the fear of lung cancer from smoking.
Lung cancer causes more than one million deaths globally each year, including 6000 deaths in Australia – more than any other type of cancer.
There have been only slight improvements in lung cancer survival in the past 25 years. Research into lung cancer is focused on developing new ways to detect and treat lung cancer through a better understanding of its biology.
lung cancer researchers are now focused on:
• Understanding how normal lung cells develop, to determine what goes wrong when […]

Replace Smoking With?

Many people stop smoking cigarettes and then start again. They may only give up for a short time or a long time and then they start smoking again. Why is this?

Your habit of smoking cigarettes resides in the subconscious. When you quit smoking using willpower, patches, pills or needles you leave a gap in the subconscious mind. It is like ripping out a piece of the subconscious. The brain not like having a gap in the subconscious and so will look for a way to fill the gap.
The gap is usually filled by you going back to smoking. You can […]