Quit Smoking Now and Live 10 Years Longer

The effect of smoking on the skin and aging is obvious when I see clients at Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes in Capalaba. Smokers do look older than they are.
A new study says that if women quit smoking before the age of 30 they could almost completely reverse the impact of smoking, while those aged forty could stand to add at least ten years to their life.
It may surprise you to learn that, in both the US and the UK, smoking ranks higher than obesity as the leading cause of preventable deaths.
This fact has spurred UK researchers, funded by Cancer […]

Be grateful for what you have

I was listening to a cd the other day when the speaker said be grateful for what you have and work with it. After reflection I thought that it was a very true and profound statement.

How many of us ignore what we have to live in the past and the future. In our rush to do this we ignore what we have and keep on yearning for the “good old days” or “if only I had this I could”. The reality is that we all have a set of tools that we can use to make our lives the way […]

Blogs are they true?

Just recently I came across this blog;
“When we quit smoking, most of us go through a fair amount of junkie thinking – the internal battle between our addiction and ourselves. Early on in smoking cessation, the dialogue can seem relentless. It’s often persistent, annoying and exhausting. It is however, temporary, and the less attention you give to unhealthy thoughts of smoking, the better.
Thoughts of smoking just one cigarette have been the ruin of many good quitting efforts. It’s important for you to realize ahead of time that these mental contortions are a normal part of the recovery process.”
There are a […]

Nicotine should be banned

I was talking to a mate of mine over the weekend and he told me of how his boss was beating smoking by using electronic cigarettes. He told me that by his boss using a nicotine liquid in an electronic cigarette she was beating the risks of cancer! I was blown away by this belief as nothing could be further from the truth.
Nicotine is extremely poisonous and has and still is being used as a pesticide. The thing about the danger of inhaling nicotine is that it causes your blood vessels to constrict; this in turn raises your blood pressure. […]

Teenagers Have As Much Trouble Quitting Smoking As Adults Do

The sooner you quit smoking the greater your chances are of staving off a host of smoking-related health issues, including emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease. However, putting out that last cigarette is easier said than done. And it’s not just adult smokers who have difficulty quitting the habit.
A new study finds that teens experience many of the same negative psychological effects during abstinence as adults do, even if they had been smoking only a short time. Although, there are some exceptions to these findings, according to researchers at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
“Adolescents are showing — even relatively […]

Study finds tobacco taxes reduce smoking

Raising tobacco prices through taxes could help reduce tobacco consumption in low and middle-income countries, a study published in the Tobacco Control journal has found.

The study compared cigarette prices in 15 low and middle-income countries, including bidis (small, hand-rolled cigarettes in India and Bangladesh). They found large price differences – indicating opportunities to raise tobacco prices through tax adjustments.

A uniform high excise tax ensures a higher price for tobacco products and can reduce the range of tobacco prices available in countries. It’s been found that higher-priced tobacco products result in less tobacco consumption.

Key findings from the study are:
• The average […]

Sobering Event

This week I went to my doctor as I had suddenly developed a lump on my tongue which was quite painful. Don’t know how people can have piercings in their tongue. I felt like I had a boulder in my mouth. When I went to see the doctor he had a look at my tongue, did not say much but sent me to an ear, nose and throat surgeon. I started to immediately go into fear and started to play the movie of me having cancer of the mouth without any evidence at all. I played the movie without the […]


Have you ever set a goal and did not accomplish it? Chances are that they were not congruent with your top values. If you set a goal that is congruent with your top values or will allow you to reach your top values then you will probably achieve it.
A goal is something that you perceive is missing in your life, a void. Your values and the hierarchy of your values are unique to you. You spend your life fulfilling your values, in particular your top values. What are your top values? There is an exercise to determine these but look […]

How Effective is Hypnosis for Quitting?

The following is an article I believe is an indepth analysis of the effectiveness of Hypnosis for Quitting smoking by John Mongiovo – New York Hypnosis.   (Website details at bottom of post for more info)

Here is a brief review of some of the research evidence on the effectiveness of hypnosis:
90.6% Success Rate for Smoking Cessation Using Hypnosis
Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent from tobacco use at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using hypnosis.
University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin […]

It’s Only Nicotine

I recently had a customer at Quit Smoking in 60 minutes in Capalaba who told me that she had given up smoking but chewed nicotine gum so that she stayed a non-smoker.
Whilst this is healthier than smoking cigarettes it still takes its toll on your life. Nicotine is a highly poisonous substance and it is only the heat of your body, which causes a molecular change that prevents the nicotine from killing you. It doesn’t make sense to introduce such a substance into your body.
Nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict, by doing this it increases your blood pressure […]